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Team member spotlight: Reno Knutson


Reno Knutson signed on with Border Foods to work at the Buffalo Taco Bell in August. He had intentions of becoming a shift lead. Within four months, Reno was promoted to shift lead. We hope that Reno keeps up the hard work and continues to climb the career ladder. Way to go Reno!

What’s something you look forward to when coming to work everyday?

I like seeing the people. Everybody’s really friendly and it feels like a family. I worked at Culver’s for four years and I always dreaded going to work. But here, we have fun!

Tell us something you enjoy when working with customers.

It’s always great when customers compliment me. I have been told that I have a friendly voice when taking orders, so that’s nice to hear. Also, customers will occasionally offer to pay for the car behind them, and I’ve seen that start a whole train of people paying for each other’s food. Seeing that makes my day!

Any advice for a fellow shift lead?

Work hard. If you have any questions, just ask. Everyone is more than willing to answer your questions and won’t judge you for not knowing. Everybody’s willing to help out!

What’s something that makes this location (Buffalo) unique and successful?

The fact that it’s kind of hidden (people have to usually drive a little out of their way) and we still get as much business as we do. There are customers who’ll drive a little farther to come to our location. Shortly after I started, there was a survey put out. We learned that someone from St. Cloud, MN drives to this Taco Bell just because of the friendliness.

Anything else about working for Border Foods or at this location?

It really feels like family.

Everybody’s involved with each other, even between us and the other Border restaurants. And there’s lots of opportunity for promotions. It’s just a great place to work. I love it here!