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Team Member Spotlight: Mindi Bebault


Tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is Mindi Bebault. I am married and I have 2 boys. We live in Champlin. I have a degree from Bethel University in Psychology.

When did you join the Border family?
I began working for Border Foods in 2000. I have been working for the company for 20 years this year! 

What is your favorite part about working for Border Foods?
I like choosing my own team in my restaurant. I can hire the best people for my team, and train them well in order to achieve and have a great culture in my restaurant. I love having fun at work, and it all starts with choosing a great staff.

What’s your go-to menu item?
The Quesadilla with Jalapeño sauce

Any fun facts about yourself that you can share with us?
I love roller coasters. My husband and I have travelled all around the US to go to the tallest and fastest coasters. The fastest one we have been on so far was the Millennium Force at Cedar Point in Ohio. It went 126 mph. It was amazing!

If given a chance, who would you like to be for a day and why?
I would be a deep sea diver that photographs the coral reefs and sharks.

List one piece of advice you’d like to give to your fellow team members.
Always focus 100% on what you are doing at the moment. It is very easy to get side-tracked and pulled into many different directions in our line of work. Train yourself to just focus on one thing at a time, and do it really well, so you can achieve great things and avoid burn-out.

Share three career lessons you’ve learned so far.
Hire the best people for your team. We spend a lot of our energy training new people and we need to make sure they are the best candidates for your store. Stay positive because your attitude will make or break you. We all need balance in our lives. When you leave work, focus on your home, family and taking time relax.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
I love reading novels. I also enjoy cooking and baking for my family. I am teaching my six year old to make spaghetti and cookies.