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Team Member Spotlight: Brittany Siebenaler


What is your favorite part about working for Border Foods?
My favorite part about working for Border Foods is the sense of family and endless support. I have been given so much support during my life changes. I will never be able to thank Border Foods enough. The sense of family within the walls of our restaurants and as soon as I step foot into the office is truly immense. I always touch on this whenever I speak to anyone because I’ve experienced it first hand. I will forever be grateful.

What’s your go-to menu item?
A regular soft taco with no lettuce

Any random or fun facts about yourself that you can share with us?
I interviewed and was offered a position with Border Foods as an AGM back in 2010 while I was in college. I ended up declining the offer and finished school, just to be hired as a GM three years later. I want to eventually train to run a marathon. 

If given a chance, who would you like to be for a day and why?
To be honest I would really want to be my son, to gain perspective from his eyes on what its like to be an 8 year old in the middle of a pandemic. He is the most creative and energetic little human. I wouldn’t mind getting in his head for a day or two. 

List one piece of advice you’d like to give to your fellow team members. 
Develop interpersonal relationships with your team and utilize them for their skills. There are a lot of moving variables and managing an almost 3M dollar business is extremely difficult at times. If you have a solid team and you are the best leader possible, the job becomes much more fluent and it will be felt within the restaurant.  Talk to your team members during your one on one meetings and have honest conversations about how you can manage them differently.

Share three career lessons you’ve learned so far.
It is okay to ask for help even if its embarrassing. There is no personal or professional growth without a little bit of discomfort and change. It is imperative to create a balance between life and work, but that starts with YOU. 

What do you like to do in your spare time?
In the past six months, I have started to enjoy running and hiking. I run an average of 15 miles per week at a local lake. I also try to explore a new state park one or twice month. I enjoy outdoor family time with my son at the nearest basketball court, or reading a good book by the lake.