Meet Miguel Avila, an Area Coach in the Minneapolis area. We caught up with Miguel to kick off the first post in a new employee spotlight series. Get to know him!

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is Miguel Avila. I am originally from Morelos Mexico. I moved to Minnesota when I was 7 years old. I have 4 kids, 13-year-old boy (Miguel), an 11-year-old girl (Dulce), a 6-year-old girl (Jocelyn) and a 4-year-old boy (Levi).
When did you join the Border family?
I started working with Border Foods at the age of 16. It was one of my first jobs. I started working under Fernando Flores at Hopkins, that is where my journey began with Border Foods. At the age of 18, I became an AGM under Fernando. My Area Coach at that time, Vince Wilhem, transferred me to the Broadway restaurant in Minneapolis, where shortly after that I became an RGM. I ran a few locations after Broadway and helped out at numerous stores. I later became a Market Training Manager where I was able to do what I enjoy, train and develop people. As of last year I was given the opportunity to become a multi-unit manager or Area Coach.
What is your favorite part about working for Border Foods?
I get to work with different teams. I also help people better their lives by creating opportunities to grow in the company. I just really enjoy working and meeting all types of people.
What’s your go-to menu item?
Steak Quesarrito
Any fun facts about yourself that you can share with us?
I like to travel and explore new places. (Hiking, lakes, attraction parks, cities, little towns, etc.)
If given a chance, who would you like to be for a day and why?
No one really. Just a better me, of the version I was the prior day.
List one piece of advice you’d like to give to your fellow team members.
Always stick to your goals, don’t give up. You can make them happen.
Share three career lessons you’ve learned so far.
Teamwork, Communication and Leadership skills.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Spend time with my kids and create memories with them.