
Recognition Archive

Where Excellence is Celebrated

  • Jason McNeil

    Jason McNeil

    Jason is a great leader because he actually takes pride in teaching the team and myself to…

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  • Kristen Bassford

    Kristen Bassford

    We would like to proudly recognize our General Manager Kristen Bassford for her hard work, unwavering dedication,…

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  • Lela


    Lela is the first person to always jump in to cover shifts and come in to help…

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  • Carson


    Carson is the ultimate team leader that makes everyone feel like they are a part of the…

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  • Joshua Holman

    Joshua Holman

    Always willing to show someone how to do something; keeps team morale up during rough times, and…

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  • Rakeem


    Rakeem always pushes us to be better every day. He encourages excellent and teamwork. I know that…

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  • Jessica Jarris

    Jessica Jarris

    Jessica is always willing to lend a hand. Covering shifts, training and always has a positive attitude…

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  • James Conklin

    James Conklin

    Is constantly positive very good at training very consistent at training more consistent on getting back to…

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  • Tanner Fieldy

    Tanner Fieldy

    He restocked as much as possible knowing the truck comes in Saturday. He restocking as much as…

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  • Amanda Tilot

    Amanda Tilot

    Huge shout out to Amanda Tilot, she doesn’t get enough credit and appreciation for all the hard…

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  • Trayvond Hart

    Trayvond Hart

    Tray is awesome, he is patient, kind, and very hardworking. He is always coaching everyone and making…

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  • Rachel Heykoop

    Rachel Heykoop

    She’s awesome. Recognizing Additional Info: Job Title: team member Store #: 033027 City: Muskegon State: miValue:familySubmitted By…

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  • Timothy Worthey

    Timothy Worthey

    He runs green shifts and has fun doing it. The team is having fun and sending out…

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  • David


    Ever since David has started working he has shown to be dedicated and willing to take on…

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  • McKayla Remmick

    McKayla Remmick

    She consistently jumps in to assist the team with no complaints! She helps the team work together…

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  • Sara Tourengeau

    Sara Tourengeau

    Sara is an excellent general manager whom deserves recognition. She took over as our GM got terminated…

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