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Border Foods Employees Volunteer During the Holidays


In the spirit of helping out the hungry and less fortunate during the holiday season, Border Foods’ employees from all over—from Wyoming to Minnesota—participated in a number of team-building volunteer events benefitting hungry neighbors and hungry nations.

Take a look at where we served, giving back but also getting a lot back in return (a sense of satisfaction, warm hearts, team spirit, fun!):

Twin Cities office and field staff spent an afternoon helping hunger relief organization Second Harvest Heartland.


Border Foods’ Duluth team braved stormy weather to pack food boxes for Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank’s Nutrition Assistance Program for Seniors (NAPS).


Area 13 employees spent time at Feeding South Dakota, doing their part to help to put meals on the table, folding and packing boxes of food and bagging potatoes.


Border Foods’ Sioux Falls, SD team also volunteered at Feeding South Dakota. This group’s assignment was to bag more than 1,400 sack packs for kids. They also packed boxes for food distribution.


Area 32 employees volunteered at The Salvation Army in St. Cloud.


Dickinson, ND area employees met at United Way Dickinson to help get ready for Toys for Tots toy, clothing and gift distribution to families in need. 


Area 39 volunteered at Feed My Starving Children (FMSC), where they hand packed nutritious meals for starving children around the world.


Border Foods’ Casper, WY team boxed food for the Food Bank of Wyoming, the largest hunger relief organization in the Rocky Mountains.